Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I could go for some yellow cake....with chocolate icing.

Just don't drop that...

So I was away for a few days. Don't expect me to do stuff on the weekends. And I was at work all day yesterday and today.

I don't care much for holidays, except that holidays = time off from work. I'm just crotchety like that, I guess. But what I DO like is that people come in town. The Wonger is due here quite soon, and my Kate is coming very soon. Yayyyy!!! People I miss! Par-tay!

Mark and I were discussing Christmas music tonight. Specifically, how Christmas music is often depressing. Ever heard "The Christmas Shoes?" Look it up. I dare you not to bawl. And I'm not just crying because it is country music. I find all Christmas music to be sort of sad, and it brings tears to my eyes, so I do not listen to it. But why do Christmas songs have to be so depressing in subject matter, i.e. the aforementioned song?

There's one Christmas song, though, that brings tears of laughter to my eyes. The church my parents go to has a midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, and it's a REAL midnight Mass, not some 10 p.m. rip-off like Mark's parents' church. Anyway, they play this song that's got a calypso beat to it EVERY year. And this same old guy from the choir has this as his solo EVERY year. And he sings in a monotone baritone with a fake Island accent. This is a pretty non-Islander guy, too. I mean, he's as far removed from teh Islands as he could be. And he has a really obnoxious voice. And he pronounces it "Chrisssss-a-misssss Dayyyyy." And there's all sorts of weird instruments going on. Every year, my family nudges one another and chokes on laughter. And every year, at the end of Mass, the priest includes a special thank you to the choir for being extraordinary as usual, and points the guy out and everyone applauds. Except for us. We snort with laughter and poke each other in mock dismay as we cover our own giddiness. This year will be weird for me, though, because we'll be with the in-laws and I won't get to participate in this. Ah, well. Such is life.

Kate's listed on IMDB!!! She's gonna make it after allllllll!

1 comment:

Mae said...

Hmmm... what about the Afroman Christmas album?